return Return to Women of Power
Carol Liang

Carol Liang

Deputy CEO of Mind HK since the beginning of this year, Carol Liang began to realise the importance of addressing mental health issues while studying public health in graduate school in the US. Back in Hong Kong, she joined the nascent charity as a volunteer in 2017, quickly moving up to develop and lead its communications strategies, digital content, external relations and campaigns that have reached millions. Noticing the shame that wrongly surrounds mental-health issues in Hong Kong, Liang is determined to grow Mind HK’s More Than a Label programme, which uses storytelling in different forms as a mechanism to remove that stigma, and to advocate for good mental health for all. “We all have mental health,” she says, “and we all know at least one person with a diagnosed mental health condition. The more each and everyone one of us speaks about it, the more comfortable and capable individuals will be in caring for themselves and others.” As for Mind HK’s forthcoming initiatives, she says the Move it for Mental Health 2023, which begins in March, “will encourage everyone in Hong Kong to move outside in nature for their mental health”.